※喇叭形押脚、狗齿、针综合水平送料,几层皮料一起缝制也不会 缝漏,密封同脂盒内的斜齿轮转动无声,延长了机器寿命,适用 于皮革、包、棉织物、帆布制品如汽车座椅、袋子、鞋、帐篷、 室内装饰品等厚料产品之包缝。(DL-335B适用平缝)
Binder feeding together with pressure foot, feed dog and needle unison feed can get a good result when several layers of material binding together. Bevel gears enclosed in grease-packed cases, promises the machine runs noiseless and works longer. The sewing is suitable formaking heavy -material goods such as car seats, bags, tents, artificial leather, sponge cloth, canvas and so on (DL-335B the is suitable for making heavy material goods such as car seats, bags, tents, artificial leather, sponge cloth, canvas and soon.
«漓速 | 1500 | & 手动压脚升距(mm) Manual piesserfcotrisefrcm | 10 |
」 最大縫目 —I Max stitch length(mm) | 6 | J 膝动压脚升距(mm) Kiee presser foot rise from | 13 |
鱼)原料 \Z7 Heavy materials | . | 寻 使用釜 •®0 Hook system | . |
a® 垂直标准旋梭 U • Vertical standard hook | . | 1 使用针 1 Needle system | DPx17 |
自动倒缝 v Auto backstitch | . | ® 中厚缝料 xZz Medium-heavy materials | . |